My program of research focuses on equitable teaching and learning in K-12 and teacher education contexts, with an emphasis on technology integration. Primary strands in my research agenda are (1) empowering teachers to enact creative, innovative, and critical digital pedagogies, (2) making computing and STEM education more inclusive, and (3) preparing teacher candidates in predominantly White institutions to center equity/social justice in the curriculum.
My work has been published in high-impact outlets such as Computers & Education, Journal of Teacher Education, and Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. I have disseminated my research at conferences sponsored by leading educational organizations such as AERA and ATE. I have also been recognized for my research at both the institutional and national levels.
Despite substantial increases in technology access in our nation's schools, inequities in technology usage persist. To address this phenomenon, experts have called for an increased focus on preparing teachers to build digital equity in the curriculum. My research focuses on expanding knowledge and understanding of this complex and underexplored concept.
Although computing and STEM are highly sought-after skillsets in our 21st-century global economy, populations such as ethnic minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities are underrepresented in related courses and careers. My research explores how inclusive frameworks like Universal Design for Learning and culturally responsive pedagogy, and strategies like arts integration, can increase participation in computing and STEM for all students.
Over the past several decades, centering equity and social justice in teacher preparation programs has taken a more prominent role in the United States. A major focus of my research agenda is studying the impacts of equity-focused initiatives within initial teacher preparation programs on students, instructors, and program designers.
The rapid expansion of technology and the Internet has changed how we access and interact with information as a society. Amid this phenomenon, people of all ages and backgrounds struggle to evaluate the credibility of information they encounter online. My research seeks to ensure that the next generation of students are digitally literate.